The world will continue to experience high temperatures in 2022, posing serious challenges to mankind

The world will continue to experience high temperatures in 2022, posing serious challenges to mankind
2022 was an unusually hot year, with some countries exceeding 50 degrees Celsius.
The forest fire in Chongqing, China, took more than 10 days to extinguish.
In Europe, the United Kingdom also recorded temperatures of over 40 degrees Celsius, and all European countries experienced record high temperatures.
African countries are dry and there is no water anywhere. Human life is under threat.
Temperatures are rising, global warming, temperatures are rising faster than ever before; At the same time, the impact of climate warming on all aspects of the Earth’s ecology is increasingly significant, and agriculture and animal husbandry will face challenges.
Climate change is relevant to everyone living on the planet. Therefore, how to make efforts to protect the environment in the case of a little abnormal climate becomes very important and can’t wait,must be proceed.
As forests are cut down, plants absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. More than 80 percent of the Earth is ocean, and the remaining land, forested, is getting smaller and smaller. Increasingly serious by human deforestation.
Committed to the sustainable development of wood use, Liuzhou Yiweisi applied to join the FSC in 2022,
The FSC IS AN effective global management system to prevent the depletion of natural resources, and the participation of Yiweisi will strictly adhere to the tenets of forest management to maintain and improve long-term economic sustainability and environmental protection.
Yiweisi Corporation guarantees the legal rights and conditions of employment of workers.
Let’s work together to protect the environment, the earth is our only home.
Let 2023 weather improvement, let our life better.


Post time: Sep-06-2022